Creating this website has been a labour of love. Now I have turned my attention to Palmer Plus Publishing. (I love the name!)
I have 45 box files full of material that I have written, which has helped many, many children win a place at a grammar school. I intend to draw on the very best of it to produce texts that will help students working towards the 11+.
I am particularly looking forward to choosing the material for ‘Reading for Meaning’. There are quite a few comprehension books on the market. I think I’ve bought most of them to see what’s on offer. (Don’t get me started on ‘packs’. Once you’ve removed the cover, the slice of internal cardboard and the blank coloured paper, you are left with very little content.)
Most comprehension books test skimming and scanning skills. I can find very little material to help students practise inferential (reading between the lines) questions. It’s time to fill that gap in the market.
Please sign up for my newsletter to discover when the first of my books is available to purchase.
I always recommend Bond books. They offer genuine academic rigour.