‘I really don’t think that online teaching will work.’
My words. I was wrong. I finally tried it and quickly realised the tremendous potential of working using the internet.
I resisted being an online teacher for a long time. Thankfully, I eventually gave into a request to teach students in China.
It does work. Teaching online is far more efficient than working with students who have physically travelled to my home. Over ten thousand Zoom sessions are testament to the fact that I’ve made a real success of online tuition.
I can see no point in resuming what has become known as face to face tuition. We are looking at each other online, and I can quickly establish a rapport with each student. ( See feedback comments.) I can mark the work online, and the students can watch the process. I can put notes on my screen and email those notes to my students. I have hundreds of notes which explain a multitude of linguistic techniques.
Examination boards are rather frugal in providing example of model answers. I also save (anonymously) particularly impressive examples of students’ work which have become a valuable teaching resource which can be shared with my students studying GCSE English Language and Literature. I’m working with at least five different GCSE exam boards at any one time, and I can share past papers, which are available on line, with my students.
Also, no one has to leave their home and face traffic jams to reach my home. No fuel bills! Valuable time is saved. Parents can watch the lessons - as they happen or via the online recording which is sent after the lesson.